The Holograms against humanity is a fun MRE that mimics similarities to the popular card game. This MRE, however, is hosted by AltSpace and requires the use of a particular template to access the MRE. You cannot access the Hologram MRE by editing the URL code and pasting it in a world.

The MRE cannot be loaded by manually creating an annoying SDK app. Still, there is a way to basically glitch the system into putting your Holograms against humanity MRE in another world besides the default.

How is this done?

This is achieved by first creating Holograms against humanity world by using the dedicated template provided by AltSpace. Next, you need to go to the world or event space you wish to import the Holograms against humanity MRE into. This is done by editing the world, going into your advanced options, and importing the original Holograms against humanity’s world into your chosen world.

Please note that this will remove objects currently in your space, so you must do this first before you load your world up with objects. After that, you will need to edit the world and go into advanced options and import the world.

After you have imported the source world you may need to reset your space. Keep in mind that you will overwrite the objects in the space with the current existing snapshot of that world.

Step by step instructions can be found here