The menu dial is the one of two menu’s you will be familiar with while using AltSpaceVR. This dial allows you to access useful functions that help you manage your time on AltSpace.
This menu hud can not be disabled in standalone/headset but you can enable moveable huds that allow you to move the hud in your field of vision which allows you to virtually hide it by shrinking the menu down or putting it above your avatar. However, I recommend you keep the hud easily accessible as there are glitches that involve you re-entering and muting and unmuting yourself to resolve these issues.
This article I will cover what icons you will discover on your dial.
Microphone Mute/Unmute
- The microphone button when highlighted red means you are muted and if the icon is clear it means you are unmuted. You may need to toggle this button a lot depending on where you are and how many microphone issues you are having. During live performances, you will usually have the button frozen out. This can also occur if you have been muted in the space.
Emojis are a fun way to engage with people and sometimes they can be used for a ‘crowd survey’. Sometimes emoji’s can be distracting and exessive emotions can be laggy if everyone in a busy room is doing it to.
Personal Bubble
Can also be enabled in your AltSpace main menu but this toggle option allows you to make users disappear if they are too close to you. They won’t actually disappear for anyone else, just for your own comfort.
Allows you to take a selfie. This is stored under your account which you can spawn in your world editor or view via website.
Front Camera
Allows you to take a picture of what is in front of you. You can again, spawn these websites or access them via the website.
Title Screen
Takes you back into a “loading screen’ that gives you access to your main menu. This allows you to afk while being away from your device without you having to re-enter the space or reconnect.
Browser (Not pictured)
On headset devices you also have access to a built in browser. This is particularly buggy at the best of times and only so many browsers can be opened at the same time in one space.
You are here
Sees the information about the current world or event that you are in. This button also allows you to quickly bookmark the world you are in if you want to come back later.
Green Centre AltSpace Icon Button
Loads your AltSpace main menu.