Textures don’t always look the same on each object. Some objects are shaped differently and interpret textures differently and even with this guide you may still find that further work to the mesh might need to be done if you want to map UV’s or textures to be more precise.
But you can get away most times with doing what you are doing-especially with terrain materials. Let us use the water material in the below image as an example. On the water surface, you can see a different shade of blue towards the yacht, this correlates with the colours on the cube as both objects are using the same material.
However, because the ocean plane is a large hexagon and the material is made for a small tile Unity will automatically stretch the material to fit the object.
Now in this situation, the water looks less detailed but looks okay but I want to increase the detailing by increasing how many times this water material is tiled in the plane. For the sake of the tutorial, I will keep the cube in the screenshots for reference.
Now let’s tile the image 10 times and compare.
The tiling has been increased by 10x so you can see the tiling is super repeated on the test cube. However, the image has been repeated 10x and added further detailing to the water.
Let’s bump it up to 40x and see what it looks like.
Things to consider
- Performance may be increased if you create a high quality compressed image scaled for the specific object you are wishing to use.
- Tiling repeats the same image so it makes sense to use a larger image that is already tiled and then repeat that tile image fewer times.